Wednesday, September 12, 2007


H.L. Mencken said, "The capacity of human beings to bore one another seems to be vastly greater than that of any other animals. Some of their most esteemed inventions have no other apparent purpose, for example, the dinner party of more than two, the epic poem, and the science of metaphysics."


Unknown said...

lol, can't help feeling that replying to this post is confirming the quote.

Unknown said...

I agree - although he didn't actually include "blogging" in the list.

mister tumnus said...

you have to watch 'house'. you have to! just do it dammit!

(agreed with the epic poetry although metaphysics can be a bit fun)

The Father said...

Indeed dave to agree with the quote is confirming it.

I'm sure he would have condemned blogging had he not been born in 1880 .....

and what part of metaphysics is fun MR T ...... come on let me know

I promise to watch House when I return from my grand trip tv for the next 3 months ..... hooray

Kenny said...

that surely doesn't apply to 24 though right?

you must be just about ready to feck away off any day now...?

The Father said...

aye I leave on tuesday for Paris .... will be heading to St Georges Market for breakfast tomorrow morning about 1030 if you fancy a family outing to the big city for some sausage baps ....

mister tumnus said...

john donne! or as i like to call him, john 'fun'. and emily dickinson. what larks!

enjoy your telly-free time while the rest of us screenslaves suffer on under the harsh regime of hugh laurie.

i'm sure there's an innuendo in there somewhere....